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Amphitheatre de Genopolys

History, achievements, promises, and issues of Gene therapy

 Présenté par Serge Braun directeur scientifique de l’AFM-Téléthon

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Contact IGH Marcel MECHALI

Amphitéâtre Genopolys

Genome and epigenome replication in mammalian cells

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Contact Nataliya Petryk, Centre épigénétique et destin cellulaire UMR 7216, Paris

Amphitéâtre Genopolys

Formation and function of 3D chromatin domains in gene regulation

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Contact Daniel Ibrahim Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Amphitéâtre Genopolys

Dissecting Enhancer and Promoter Dynamics in Transcription

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Contact Alessandro Gardini, the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia

Amphitéâtre Genopolys

Nuclear architecture- Cause and consequences on genome functions

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Contact Charlène Boumendil, from CNRS researcher (CRCN), IJM, Paris, France- Lab of V. Doye-R. Karess Mechanisms of nuclear pores driven chromatin organization